Archive for September, 2013

The 6,000 Year History By Messenger Elijah Muhammad

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on September 14, 2013 by Ahmed K. El-Shabazz

The 6,000 Year History


Messenger Elijah Muhammad1150153_419230471524838_816178189_n

We have been ruled by the white race for the past 6,000 years. Whether or
not they actually ruled all of the 6,000 years, it was given to them! In
the beginning of their creation they had the rights and the authority
from Almighty Allah and the scientist in that day to rule us for 6,000

Those 2,000 yeast that you don’t have any history of just what went on
before the birth of Moses, we are here to tell you. It has been revealed.
The coming of God in the last day is to reveal the truth that has not
been revealed. He is to reveal the truth of the ruler which is now about
to be dispossessed of his authority and as a ruler.


I hope you don’t think I am making up something. I hope that you don’t
think it is Elijah, rather give credit to whom the credit is due. It is
God Himself. The white race was not able to rule effectively for the
first two thousand years because of a punishment which Allah put upon
them for starting war and trouble among the righteous people in the very
beginning. Six months after their fathers, rather I should say Father,
had made a successful graft of them, they entered back into the Holy
Land, among the Holy People. They started trouble. They were run out from
among the Holy people and were punished for 2,000 years without any
guide. They have not that history nor have you been given it. What went
on 2,000 years before Moses’ birth.

They take up for Moses. They had two great prophets during their last
4,000 years, Moses and Jesus. They have not believed in either one! They
have not practiced the religion of either one!


According to the teachings of the Holy Quran, all of the prophets of God
taught Islam! When we know and understand the meaning of the religion of
Islam, we cannot deny that all prophets of God should have taught the
people Islam. Islam means entire submission to His will, meaning Allah,
then I say that prophet is not the prophet of Allah. He is the prophet of
the devil!

The last 4,000 years we have had many religions other than Islam. We have
had many representatives of God representing this and that. Wood, Iron,
Gold, Silver, Monkeys, everything has been worshipped! Cows have been
worshipped as God. This shows the effect of the Ignorance of the Almighty
God, Himself, whenever he hides His face from a people or withdrew His
guidance. That people goes astray. They will bow down to works of their
own hand. That’s what happened in the past 4,000 years.


We have today three religions. They are the greatest religions of the
people. They are namely; Islam, Hinduism or Buddhism, and Christianity.
Christianity is the youngest of them all. These three religions today are
in war with each other for supremacy. We cannot accept Hinduism. We
cannot accept Christianity. They both have failed. We must accept a
religion that God Himself is the author and not the people.

We know today that these religions were organized by leaders of such
faith. Islam is not an organized religion. Islam is a religion, according
to the Holy Quran, which is the natural religion of man, in which, God
has created him. According to the Holy Quran, every human being is born
under Islam. It is their parents or their leaders that make them
something else.

We know that the two religions that are not trying to hinder the success
of Islam were organized. They didn’t come from God. If they had, God
double-crossed Himself! Jesus could not have brought to us a religion two
thousand years ago. The time was not there for any such change.

When Paul said that he was “Him as one born out of due season,” he has a
witness. That witness is me. For his work was ahead of time by 2,000
years. We may seem a little strange to you, you may argue with us, but
nevertheless, it is true. If you argue with truth, you may find yourself


Our greatest desire, this afternoon, is to bring you up to date with
truth and tell you what Allah has offered to us for a future! The Future
of the People that were lost here about 400 years ago. This happened
because of the smartness and tricknology of one, John Hawkins, who went
in among our people, he deceived them and bribed the tribe-men. He
brought them here for the purpose of robbing them of the knowledge of
themselves and making them physical slaves for the American white man. We
have served that purpose well! We have been zealous to the worship and
the call of the American white man.


No one can deny that we ever offered any rebellion in the past. They have
never had any trouble with a revolution being national here because of
you and me!

We, today, have been robbed-thoroughly of the knowledge of ourselves and
our kind. We don’t look forward to try and make friends or establish a
unity between ourselves and our black brother wherever he may be! Whether
our black brother is in America or whether he is in Asia or Africa. We
have been made just that dumb not to make friends with him.

We have been made very dumb and frightened so thoroughly by the white man
that we are afraid to speak up for our own brothers and sisters who came
from our mother and father if the white man says he does not like it!
This fear handicaps millions of our people from the joy and pleasure
which they should be enjoying. Number one is Freedom, Justice and


We cannot enjoy Freedom, Justice and Equality while the lion that has
taken us in the den with him 400 years ago still stands over us and has
his claws and teeth in us. We must be freed! We must be brought out, as
the Bible mentions it in a certain place; “that what the dragon has
swallowed, God must bring out of his belly that what the dragon
swallowed!” This means a people swallowing another people!


America white people have swallowed the darker people, whom they call
Negroes! They named us that themselves! Today, we have not any sign of a
“a nation within a nation” to the appearance of the outside. We are here
in America by the master’s name. This makes it hard for our people in
Asia and Africa to tell which or who is Johnnie Jones. There are two. One
is a black one, and one is a white one! One of the most important things
for so-called American Negroes is to free himself from that which has
enslaved him. The very name of Jones or Johnson, Wood, Culpepper, Bird,
Fish or Hog, are not names of God. They are the names of white people. As
long as you are Mr. Fish or Mr. Bird, you belong to white people. There
are no such name of Allah.


The Bible teaches you that on the coming of God, He will call you after a
name of His own. This is now being done. I didn’t always, or have not
always been called “Muhammad”. God gave me this name. There are plenty of
enemies who would like that you think that I chose this name for myself.
Their desire is to keep you thinking that there isn’t any God or a Divine
Power working for me. I didn’t give myself these names. First I was
called “Karriem”, and later on God’s departure, He said I should be
called “Muhammad”. These names are all from Him. I knew nothing about
Islam. I knew nothing about the name “Muhammad”. I had not been schooled
in any such knowledge. But today I bear witness that God Himself is


There are many people who would like that you think that God is a spirit
and He has no form. This false thought is all condemned by His universe.
God has made for us a visible universe. He has made for us visible
beings. If a visible universe of material that has been made from His
word, if there are people that He says, that they are His likeness and
the very image of Him, the God has to be a person Himself! If He sees, if
He hears, if He acts, then He is a person! There is no such thing as a
spirit that can do these things! If He is from the beginning and there is
no ending to Him and we have not His birth record, then this is He.


We have it too from God’s mouth. We have it in history that the black man
has no beginning. We can’t locate his birth on the planet. I’m saying
this for you my people. You have no birth record! There is no history
that can say truthfully that you had a beginning back there or an ending
over there!

The only history of a people having a beginning and ending is of the
white race! Today, their theologians and scientists on religion are
teaching you and me that their world is coming to an end. They know that
they were not to be here forever! There is some prophesy, that we have,
that they are not created to live forever. Some prophesy, bold and harsh
for us, reads “…they were made fuel for hell’s fire.” I have nothing to
do with their coming into being. I do say this, I hope that there will
never be a father that will produce such enemy anymore in the future!


We cannot deny the truth for the sake of friendship among the falsehood.
The Holy Quran teaches you and me. “Do not mix up the truth with
falsehood while you know.”

Elijah just can’t do that. Elijah has been raised among you to tell you
the truth of that which you do not know. I guide you in the path of Allah
wherein that you may be blessed and blessed forever. It is the choice of
God to put you on the road to success. You, the so-called American
Negroes, are the elect and the choice of you God! That does not mean that
they are not the same kind as the others. We are the nation, the New
Nation taking on a new birth in the Western Hemisphere with the secret of
the wisdom that has been hidden from the philosophers & scientists from
the day that the white race was created. Their religion and their sign is


We have a sign for our religion which represents us. This is the Moon and
Star and Sun. No nation can display that kind of sign for their religion
unless they are of the darker people. The white man knows that this sign
is displayed by the owner. “We”, says Allah, “are the makers and the
fashioners.” “We”, says Allah, “created you (white race).” You are not
your own creator! We created you! And how we created you is now being

Brothers and sisters, I soon have to sit down as I have been very
physically weak over the past year. I wanted to come out to get over to
you the aims and purposes of the coming of God. I don’t say, Elijah is
going to do this. Don’t say Elijah is preaching hatred of us. It is the
truth that Allah has revealed. The Bible teaches us the friendship of
this world is an enemy to God. It means those who are in power and are
ruling. This is the white race. We have served them well!

I want to say to you white people, “You have mistreated us well.” I want
to say to you white people, “your best way out is not to try to oppose
the purpose and aims of God for this down trodden and crushed people
under your feet of our own kind who today fight each other from enjoying
Freedom, Justice and Equality. It is up to you to let us and help us to
leave, divide some of this great world in the Western Hemisphere of which
that you have robbed and spoiled our brothers. (Only God give you
possession here for the might of your own.) Now, today, a mighty one is
taking up arms against you to restore that which has been lost, and give
it to the rightful owners. If you (white race) would like to help
yourself, jump in front and say, “Here is part of this. I will provide
you with the means to start a civilization for yourself for the next 20
or 25 years.”


You want your slave to stay under your eyes and in your very ears because
you fear that they might join on to some of your enemies and aid them in
destroying you. I say Elijah Muhammad has not made no such effort because
we have the Best and Most Powerful King to aid us against you – that is
Allah! I want you to remember this as it will help you prolong your life.
But if you don’t care to do so, we will get a country in which to settle
our people by the help of Allah.


We cannot depend on the white man to provide jobs, homes, clothes and
food for us forever. Especially when we are the last hired and the first
fired. We want our technicians, all of our professional people to join
with us to do something for ourselves. It is nothing but a lazy people
who want to be cared for by another people. We want to take their names
off of us. All the white people that agree with us, that we should not
integrate with them, especially no social mixing, I say, “I have my hat
off to you.” It is nothing but decency and intelligence that any race
would want to keep and maintain their own self, and it is ignorant for me
to want to assimilate ourselves into the white man.

The Messenger Elijah Muhammad’s Teachings On “The Real History Of Jesus” 1959.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on September 14, 2013 by Ahmed K. El-Shabazz


Minister Ahmed K. El-Shabazz

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on September 14, 2013 by Ahmed K. El-Shabazz

Ahmed K. El-Shabazz

Member of the Nation of Islam since 1980. Writer and historian of Islam, African and Near-Eastern history for over 30 Years. Author of the Book, “The Death Of Satan”.  securedownload  Mr. El-Shabazz has written for Muhammad Speaks, Salaam , & Hiram 1555 blog.


Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on September 14, 2013 by Ahmed K. El-Shabazz
By Ahmed K. El-Shabazz
{Written March 8th 2011}
( Notice the Fez Of The Messenger Elijah Muhammad, it shows that He was taught the wisdom of the Universe by ALLAH HIMSELF. The Messenger’s Fez has our Solar System upon it) ——————————————————————————————————————— The Original Black Nation of the Earth (THE HOLY TRIBE OF SHABAZZ) , came with this part we call ” Earth” , calling this part Earth after the deportation of the Moon from our Planet 66 Trillion years ago. According to our people , and told to us at the Coming of the Mahdi-Muhammad ( Master W. Fard Muhammad) , the part of the Earth that we now call the ” Moon ” , was placed there by one of our Scientist named Dr. Jatu , it was this God, Dr. Jatu who caused the separation of the Earth and the Moon. The part we now call Moon was once apart of our Earth , Dr. Jatu was dis-satisfied with the people , due to them not speaking the same dialect. We know today that atmosphere causes people who speak the same language to have a different dialect , depending on the where a person lives on theEarth. Example being those who speak English, American English is different in dialect than the English spoken in England.So, according to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad (pbuh) , this God Scientist wanted all of the people to speak the same , and because they did not , Dr. Jatu became mad , and went and drilled holes in the Earth miles deep. Dr. Jatu then filled these holes will 100 % pure dynamite , only 70 % dynamite is used today. Once these holes were filled , Dr. Jatu set them off , a great explosion happened. In the great explosion , Asia ( as the whole of the ” Earth” was called then ) was split asunder , the part we now call the ” Moon ” was sent some 35,000 miles upwards , this part we are on today , the ” Earth ” ,spinning in its own gravitation ( 1,037 & 1/3 miles per hour ) was pull or forced down some 66,000 miles.
While the Moon was traveling upwards , once she got 12,000 miles up she turned and emptied her water on this part we now call Earth. The Moon to this day has no water and is devoid of life. Our Earth has 139,685,000 square miles of water , thanks to the Moon. Which is why the Moon is dependent upon the Earth , the Earth carries the Moon around , which is also why we only see one side of her , we never see her dark side , as she cannot rotate on her own. This is how we came to have our Moon , that now dead part that was once apart of our Planet we now call Earth. The Moon is 2,160 miles in diameter or 1/3 rd the size of Earth .This is some of the Great Wisdom , Knowledge , and Understanding that was given to us at the Coming Of ALLAH in the Person Of the Great Mahdi-Muhammad,The Saviour-Master W. Fard Muhammad  wallace_3.jpg . And this Supreme Wisdom of the Theology Of Time was taught for 44 Years ( 1931-1975) by the Last and the Greatest of the Messengers of ALLAH- The Honorable Elijah Muhammad (peace be upon Him). Not only did ALLAH-IN-Person teach us the History of the Original Man’s Home Planet , Earth, Master W. Fard Muhammad and His Messenger Elijah Muhammad taught that our Solar System has 7 inhabited Planets. Master W. Fard Muhammad , in His 34 Problem Book names 2 of the 7 inhabited Planets ,other than Earth , which are , Mars, and Mercury. We must not forget what the Holy Qur’an 53:49 says of ALLAH , ” He is the Lord of Sirius ” or
looked to and studied by the Kemetic Black Nation (The Egyptians).Also , we find in the Bible, according to Amos 5:8 , “Seek him that makes the seven stars and


Orion…..The Lord his is name”. ( Think Over These Things)

Who Really Has A Tail? Black People Or White People?

Posted in Uncategorized on September 14, 2013 by Ahmed K. El-Shabazz

The White Race lied and said Black People had tails. This is called “Psychological Projection”(when a Person rejects his or her own unacceptable attributes by ascribing them to objects or persons in the outside world.) Another example is when White People call Black People “Niggers”, they(White people) are the REAL Niggers. This is not “Racist” just facts. The White Race are the ones born with the tails, due to their Cursed placement in the Caves of Europe where they spent their first 2,000 years of history , after they where made.
The Holy Qur’an speaks about the Cave Men(White Race) and what Musa found when he was sent to Europe from Egypt to civilize them. “They will say there were three, the fourth of them being their dog; and they will say there were five, the sixth of them being their dog – guessing at the unseen; and they will say there were seven, and the eighth of them was their dog. Say, [O Muhammad], “My Lord is most knowing of their number. None knows them except a few. So do not argue about them except with an obvious argument and do not inquire about them among [the speculators] from anyone.”   Holy Qur’an 18:22 The following is proof!   1235513_564102223656950_233444921_n 1229925_564096623657510_722125812_n

Devil Pastor Arrested Before Burning 2,998 Holy Qur’ans.

Posted in Uncategorized on September 12, 2013 by Ahmed K. El-Shabazz

Terry Jones Arrested in Mulberry Before Burning Qurans


By Suzie Schottelkotte & Ryan E. Little
Published: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 at 11:51 p.m.
Last Modified: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 at 11:51 p.m.
MULBERRY | Polk County sheriff’s deputies arrested Terry Jones on Wednesday as he was driving to a park to burn nearly 3,000 Qurans.

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Pastor Terry Jones Arrest
Jones, 61, and Wayne Sapp Jr., 44, an associate pastor at Jones’ church, Dove World Outreach Center in Manatee County, were arrested on several charges, including possessing fuel in an improper container, which is a third-degree felony punishable by up to five years in prison, according to Sheriff’s Office reports.

Jones had been planning since July to burn the Muslim holy books in Polk County, though he only recently planned to relocate the event to Loyce E. Harpe Park near Mulberry. He said the burning was to be a memorial to Americans who died during the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, with one book for each of the 2,998 victims.

But late Tuesday, the county denied his request to use the park, in part saying his application came too late and in part because no burning is allowed in the park. Jones was subsequently told by law enforcement that he would be arrested if he entered the park with any kind of incendiary equipment.

Once they got to Mulberry on Wednesday afternoon, Jones and a handful of supporters stopped at a McDonald’s restaurant parking lot to ready their mobile barbecue grill. He and Sapp doused the Qurans with kerosene, then the restaurant’s manager told them they would have to leave.

They did, with plans to park along the side of West Carter Road near the park’s entrance and burn the Qurans there.

Jones said he believed he would be arrested if he went inside the park.”They (law enforcement) have told me that several times,” he said while at McDonald’s. “They told me that last night and again today. I don’t think I need a burn permit to do it on the public right-of-way.”

He never got that far.

As Sapp and Jones headed north on Church Avenue, which is State Road 37, about 5 p.m. deputies swooped in behind their truck and turned on their emergency lights. Sapp, who was driving, pulled the truck into the parking lot of the Mulberry Pharmacy, 1009 N. Church Ave., and seconds later, more than a dozen marked and unmarked patrol cars crowded into the lot behind it.

Jones and Sapp were both charged with unlawful conveyance of fuel. They were still being processed late Wednesday, and no bail had been set.

Sapp was also charged with having no valid registration for the smoker trailer he was towing, according to the Sheriff’s Office. Deputies seized Sapp’s White 1998 Chevrolet 1500 pickup truck and the smoker/trailer, and he faces traffic citations for not having proper lighting on the trailer.

“The unlawful conveyance of fuel charge stems from Jones and Sapp dousing and emptying kerosene into a smoker/trailer onto a stack of Qurans and then dangerously transporting the trailer onto a state road,” according to a Sheriff’s Office news release.

Jones also was charged with openly carrying a firearm, which deputies saw as they had him under surveillance Wednesday at a Mulberry restaurant before his arrest. After arresting Jones, deputies seized his Smith and Wesson .40-caliber, semi-automatic pistol, which was in a holster clipped to his belt on his left hip, Sheriff’s spokesman Scott Wilder said.

In a press conference Wednesday night, Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said Jones knew the consequences for what he was doing………images (22)

The U.S.Army tested chemicals in poor black areas in St Louis neighborhoods in the 1950’s.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags on September 11, 2013 by Ahmed K. El-Shabazz
Syria? How About The “Good Ole U.S.A.!!!
The U.S.Army tested chemicals in poor black areas in St Louis neighborhoods in the 1950’s.
10 Chemical Weapons Attacks Washington Doesn’t Want You to Talk About.

The Death Of Satan, By Ahmed K. El-Shabazz

Posted in Uncategorized on September 9, 2013 by Ahmed K. El-Shabazz

It is getting closer, “The Death Of Satan”. This book (The Death Of Satan) was written to bear-witness to the teachings of Islam as taught By the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad (May Peace Be Upon Him). And to show and prove that what Mr. Muhammad taught and the events that followed after the passing of Mr. Muhammad are leading up to the death of Satan’s rule over the Planet Earth.
Mr. Mustapha Amin wrote: “”The Death of Satan” is a MUST-HAVE for all truth-seekers, muslims, christians, hindus, jews, masons, atheists…

This BIG book features more than 250 pages loaded with information and secret facts which the ruling powers always tried to hide! It is a collection of articles, letters, reports, historical facts and images which all bear witness to the GREAT HIDDEN TRUTH we all should know.

Read about the true history of the Black Nation, white race, America and the world, and how current events are manifesting a universal change.

After reading this book, I found answers to many of the questions I always had in my mind. All I can say is: This book is a mighty weapon in the hands of all true freedom-fighters!

5 STARS!!! ” —-Get Your Copy Today. Just $15.00

The Book Of The Week: The True History Of Elijah Muhammad; The Messenger Of Allah

Posted in Uncategorized on September 8, 2013 by Ahmed K. El-Shabazz


The Ankh & It’s Meaning

Posted in Uncategorized on September 8, 2013 by Ahmed K. El-Shabazz

The Ankh , or ” The Key of Life ” . The True Cross of the Black nation. It is a Symbol of Man , Woman & Child , 360 Degrees of Life ever-lasting (The Black Nation). We ( The Original Man) the Black Nation are the ” Alpha & Omaga” a Created People from The Creator of The Uni-verse. We are “Allah” , or the Asiatic Black Nation, from Us came all others.292930_442769325774977_325416187_n