Archive for September, 2013

A New Islam !

Posted in Uncategorized on September 8, 2013 by Ahmed K. El-Shabazz


“I’m not here to go over the laws of the (orthodox) Islamic world. I am not here to condemn them nor to take away anything. I only teach you what ALLAH has given to me to teach you. We are bringing to you a new Islam. I don’t fear standing before the world. I will tell the whole world at once and condemn the world of their way of belief” – Messenger Elijah Muhammad (The Theology of Time)-

This for the Final Call, Inc. Scientologist , Christians, Jews, Masons, & Arabs. Don’t Get The Followers Of The New Islam Confused. We STILL Follow The MESSAGE Of The Great Mahdi-Muhammad & His Messenger Elijah Muhammad (pbuh). You Have Rejected Them, We Have Not!!!320314_420206278038899_793021296_n

One Reason Why America Should Back Off Of Syria!!!

Posted in Uncategorized on September 5, 2013 by Ahmed K. El-Shabazz

Russia warns of nuclear disaster if Syria is hit

A military strike on Syria could lead to a nuclear catastrophe if a missile were to hit a reactor containing radioactive uranium, a Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman warned. The remark comes as the US continues to push for a military strike on Syria.

Israeli Cruise Missiles Fired At Syria Destroyed By US Navy!!!

Posted in Uncategorized on September 5, 2013 by Ahmed K. El-Shabazz

Posted in Uncategorized on September 5, 2013 by Ahmed K. El-Shabazz


What Is Black? Or Who Is Black? The Black Nation Is World Wide.

Posted in Uncategorized on September 2, 2013 by Ahmed K. El-Shabazz


Masonic Riddles In Stone Shows That ” 9-11″ Was A Planned Event !!

Posted in Uncategorized on September 2, 2013 by Ahmed K. El-Shabazz


(WESTERN SIDE of the of Cathedral Of St. John The Divine)

By Ahmed K. El-Shabazz


The Honorable Elijah Muhammad (pbuh) warned the Black Nation and others , that  we cannot imagine the evilness of the American White race. Our minds cannot even think of how LOW this so-called White race will go and have gone in their working of Evil ! They are scientist at being EVIL !
The following pictures will show that the events of 9-11 of 2001 was a PLANNED EVENT , a Psy-Ops programme to wage open warfare on the Black Nation and Islam. The first picture is the cover of   ” THE MASONIC WORLD ” from 1925: 

This was to celebrate the newly buildt   Cathedral Of St. John The Divine , or , ” Church of St. John ”  which is another name of the Masonic Order. Yakub, who was the father and maker of the so-called White Race was jailed  under the Name of ” John ” before he and his followers ( 59,999) were sent to the Island Of Pelan or Patmos  in the Aegean Sea . This is the ” John” who wrote the Book of Revelation telling his ” man-made-man” the white race how they would be removed off the Earth and why.
The white man’s so-called Masonic Order holds many secrets , yet the trained eye can unlock these secrets , many of which is written in stone. With that in mind , lets look at the following picture of one of the columns  on the WESTERN SIDE of the of Cathedral Of St. John The Divine:
Look very close at the above picture. This scene was added to the Church in 1997 , showing the destruction of the New York City and it famous land marks. Notice the falling Twin Towers, again this was added to this ” Church” FOUR ( 4 ) YEARS  BEFORE 9-11-2001 ! Did the Masons know something in advance ? If so, then why didn’t they warn the people of America ? They, ( American Masons ) say they are ” Patriots “,  so if they had information before hand concerning 9-11 they should have warned the American Government. Or, they, themselves were behind the attacks, to use as a cover to attack Islamic world and the Black Nation, to bring in their much talked about  Masonic ” New World Order “.
The Darker Nations of the Earth must  come to KNOW AND UNDERSTAND that the American White Race and their brothers / sisters in Europe and elsewhere will do ANYTHING   to keep and maintain WHITE WORLD DOMINANCE over the Black and other non-white nations, even if  it meant killing mass numbers of people. After all , ” the ends justify the means” , as they ( Masons ) say !
One thing is for sure, NO MUSLIMS carried out the attacks of 9-11 some 10 years ago. There are many who have came forward and proved that 9-11 was an inside job. Many of those who have said this ARE NOT MUSLIMS , one is a former C.I.A employee, named Mr. Ray McGovern. There has also been former heads of state who have come forward saying the same. And , the Muslim world NEEDS TO STOP SAYING THEY ARE SORRY FOR SOMETHING THE MUSLIMS DID NOT DO, when more proof is coming forward that SHOWS the American Masonic Government , or some rouge members of the American Government were the ones who killed 3,000 or so people, 300 of which were MUSLIMS!
Just something to think over as 9-11 ten years after will be here in a few days, something that the racist Whites political parties and their followers are using to cause a fight between Islam and Christianity. Remember, to BEWARE OF FALSE-FLAGS, because the political parties of America are ran by Masons and Eastern Stars, and their, ( Masons) number one ( # 1 ) enemy, according to their own writings is ” Jesus & Muhammad”. Think over that.
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(Death Worship Symbol Of The Masons)

Re-post:” The Revolts ! ”

Posted in Science, THE NEW ISLAM with tags , , , , , , , , on September 2, 2013 by Ahmed K. El-Shabazz
” The Revolts ! ” By Ahmed K. El-Shabazz
” Now that America is openly backing the very organization she said attack her on ” 911 ” , known as  ” Al-Qaeda ” , under a new name in Libya , I felt that this essay should be posted again. America said she was at war with terrorist , whom she said was behind the 911 attacks and  went to war  with this ” group ” in  Afganistan and Iraq , called the ” War On Terror “. In the BBC report a fews years ago called ” The  Power Of Nightmares ”
a former CIA/ MI6 agent stated that “Al-Qaeda  is a total and complete fabrication, never having existed at any time ” , and that it was  really a group of CIA , MI6 and Mossad assets used to do the dirty work of America , Europe and Israel in the way of causing revolutions in Africa , Mid-East and other so-called ” Third World Nations”.  Mr. Gadffi’s stated that he was fighting Al-Qaeda in his country , that the so-called ” Rebels ” are Al-Qaeda , something the American press has admitted to. America has also admitted that she has sent the CIA to back these ” rebels “.  This should show the World that for the pass 10 years America’s war on Islam and the Black Nation has been one big ” False Flag ” operation , aimed at the re-colonization of Africa and the East , only now White Supremacy is being done in  ” Black face “ ,  as Obama  takes on the  role of ” Black Reagan.”  
(The Messenger Elijah Muhammad)

” When you believe in Islam all the world of Islam will recognize and respect you. Those that you see fighting and killing each other have been duped by the same devil [* Americans & Europeans] that duped you [ * the Black nation]. The White Muslims over there in the east ARE NOT MUSLIMS BY NATURE. They are Muslims BY FAITH AND PRACTICE.  Therefore , is is not too difficult for their kin BY NATURE , white Christians , to set up that which appeals to their basic nature ; THE DESIRE TO RULE WITH IMPUNITY. They [ * Arab leaders] will do anything to keep their power , including making pacts with THE REAL DEVIL [ * the White race]. Some of them are quick to SUBORDINATE THEIR FAITH, when their rule is threatened ; and they call on this Western devil to back them up. They never realize that the root cause of their problems are THE AGENTS AND PROVOCATEURS  of the VERY BEAST that they call on to save them. They forget that the devils plan is to divide and conquer”——–The Messenger Elijah Muhammad (pbuh) , from THE THEOLOGY OF TIME , concerning the subject ” WHAT HAS ” OLD GLORY” GIVEN TO YOU ? “……..”——From The Book The Death Of Satan, pages 200-201 , By Ahmed K. El-Shabazz

A Letter By Messenger Elijah Muhammad(May Peace Be Upon Him)

Posted in Uncategorized on September 2, 2013 by Ahmed K. El-Shabazz

Some History of Islam in America.
We Praise, Obey, Trust and Serve Our Saviour, Master Fard Muhammad (The Supreme Being)

Letter by Messenger Elijah Muhammad:

(Master W. Fard MUhammad; The Great Mahdi)

To the Ministry Class of No. 1 Michigan by Elijah Muhammad, Servant of Allah. December 3, 1934

5830 So. Wabash Ave/Chicago, Illinois

Dec. 3, 1934

To the Ministry Class of No. 1 Michigan

“As-Salaam Alaikum

My Dearest Brothers, Followers and Laborers with me in the Name of our Saviour the Almighty Deliverer of the Lost Founds, W.D. Fard Mohammed; whom the world has not known as yet, but will shortly. It is you and I who has said that we know Him and are His witnesses to make known His name among those who are sleeping in sin and ignorance; an who enter the school of preparation that we may be found worthy of Him when He returns to put us on His book as Laborers fitted for the cause of righteousness.

Give ear my Brothers, and listen diligently to these my words and forget them not. Islam is not to be played with and those who teach it must forever be mindful of the LAW, because ignorance of the law is no excuse. Now we are not ignorant of the Law, because we received it not by prophecy nor was it sent to us in a book that we might say we could not understand it or that we failed to receive it. No, but Allah has come to us Himself, to each us out of His mouth in the person of our Saviour FARD MOHAMMED; whom we have seen with our eyes and heard with our ears, and our hands have handled Him lest we have excuses and say He was not real. This blessed and only friend of we who were lost, called me into His ministry in August 1932. Not for the works that I done, nor for the education, for I had neither. But for His own cause, that I should hear the world of His mouth and go and teach others of His Majesty, and wonders that He is about to work in the wilderness of North America where we now live.

He Himself, knowing the times and seasons of all things put upon me a great work to accomplish, but not without a great reward at the end; that is if I keep His Law and Commandments and obey without priding myself against Him who sent me. Now this did He charge me with, to go and make many ministers and send them in all of the cities and teach Islam as He has given it to me. Adding nothing to it, nor even taking a atom from it, lest we dilute His Holy word and be found guilty of falsifying the truth on His return.”



Book Review For Ahmed K. El-Shabazz’s Book “The Death Of Satan”.

Posted in Uncategorized on September 2, 2013 by Ahmed K. El-Shabazz

“*The Death of Satan* is serious! Not only do I recommend every Muslim in the Nation of Islam read it. But every Black Man, Woman, and even Child should read it. It contains an abundance of information that in a unique way brings the reader up to speed with the changing times – without compromising the Message & Spirit of the Messenger’s (Elijah Muhammad’s) Message at the same time! Great work! More Muslims need to write more books like this. As-Salaam Alaikum!”—–Brother An’Nur A-Allah

Get Your Copy Today. Just $15.00 securedownload

The Name “Muhammad” Can Be Found In The Bible!!

Posted in Uncategorized on September 2, 2013 by Ahmed K. El-Shabazz

images (4) “I Will love thee, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies. “—PSALMS (18) 1-3. Bible.
The above verse from the Psalms gives Us one of the Names or Attributes of God (ALLAH),there are 99 Names. The One in the above verse, as it states, “..the Lord, who is WORTHY TO BE PRAISED” is that of “MUHAMMAD”. So, the next time a preacher says that Muhammad is not in the Bible, point Him to this verse, there are others, but We will leave it at that. Also, the Psalms was not written by King David, but was written by one of the Great The Kings Of “Egypt”, Akhenaten of the 18th Dynasty , also known as the “First Messiah”, and the Husband of Queen Nefertiti .